Words have no Wings, but they can Fly a Thousand Miles.
…an old Proverb.
I read this saying on one of my friend’s status (Azma Abd Hamid) and thought to myself, how true!.
Peaches & Pen is an advocate for the #powerofwords and we have products that look directly into it because of how much we are such a lover and student of words.
For 2020, with Branding with Words, our Power of Words efforts look into i) Leadership and ii) Self-Development.
Why do we focus on words?
Because words are triggers and they leave massive impact on the speaker and receiver. Each word uttered, can be ignored but it is never forgotten.
Mentors, teachers and coaches have shown me that beneath every layer of experiences are expressions of words that explains the point of our learning – may it be of joy or pain.
Choices of words are merely a reflection of who we really are and the journey we have undertaken – the impact we have created at every point of our lives. Yesterday, I caught myself uttering a prayer out of anguish and I didn’t like how I sounded…but the words had taken wings and I will never know the repercussions of it.
Today, I consciously picked my words because I believe in its power. I wanted more positivity and I raised my game with words for it. It doesn’t need much magic…just an intention and it will fly a thousand miles.
Find out more about our Branding with Words and Power of Words sessions by writing in to hello@peachesnpen.com or drop us a note at 0193881774.
Our website www.peachesnpen.com will be launched on 1st January 2020, where all our information and programs will be listed.
Looking forward to an amazing 2020 with you.
Thank you for choosing Peaches & Pen.
#whatsyourwordworth #buildbridges #ownyourwords #powerofwords #tulis #powretreat #powsessions #powleadership #powgrow